The War of Doping is an independent documentary film about the use of performance-enhancing drugs as chemical shortcuts to victory, fame and glory.
The documentary follows Professor Arne Lungqvist around the world on his missions for three years. The documentary delves into a large number of historical milestones and interviews eyewitnesses from each and every one.
It also gives access behind closed doors with questions being asked about what is really going on. Professor Arne Lungqvist gives a historical view on the scenarios as well as initiated updates on the development of doping in sports today.
The documentary meets with people who say ‘yes’ to doping, and those who spend millions of dollars to fight against it. This is a story that covers the fight against doping from the Cold War in the 70s.
It is a film that askes questions on how you and we should look uipon doping, cheating and betrayal.