Accreditation Requirements

Do you know that your event would have an added value for lawyers if you have applied for accreditation? You would be playing an important role in helping them to accumulate CPD points as part of their professional development experience.


If you are interested for your event to be accredited, please ensure that it fulfil the following criteria before submitting your application:


  • The event relates to the immediate or long-term educational development of lawyers
  • The event meets the standards and requirements stipulated in the CPD Guidelines
  • The event deals primarily with matters related to the practice of law and the legal profession


What to Expect? 


Step One: Application


When you have identified an event that would benefit the legal community, you are encouraged to apply for accreditation.


Please click here to download the application form. Kindly submit the completed form and event itinerary to


We endeavour to process each application as soon as possible, latest by seven business days.


Step Two: Accreditation

When your event has been accredited, you will be assigned with a CPD code and CPD points. You are allowed to use your own attendance list to record the attendance of the participants, but you must clearly identify the Bar Council Membership Number for those who are lawyers.


Please note that CPD points are calculated on the basis of one CPD point per contact hour (60 mins). A contact hour refers to the amount of time that one spends learning in contact with the speakers/trainers. Considering this, a contact hour excludes time spent on opening or closing ceremonies, breaks, meals, receptions, question-and-answer sessions, and sporting or entertainment activities.


You are also required to download (click here to download) and distribute the evaluation forms to the participants who are lawyers.


Step Three: Submission of Attendance Form and Evaluation Form


When your event is completed, you are required to download and complete the attendance form (click here to download) to indicate the attendance of the participants who are lawyers.


Please submit the completed attendance and evaluation forms (in digital copy) to You are required to send the attendance records within 7 business days from the date of the accredited course. We will not be able to entertain your next accreditation request if this requirement is not met.



    * all the fields are required