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15 Feb


CPD Points: 2

LIVE PODCAST Voices of Inclusion: Breaking Barriers for a Better Tomorrow

10:00am - 12:00pm / Raja Aziz Addruse Auditorium Level 2, Wisma Badan Peguam Malaysia 2 Leboh Pasar Besar, 50050 Kuala Lumpur

The Bar Council Ad Hoc Committee on Persons with Disabilities proudly partners with Kita Family for a special podcast session on disability awareness. This talk will feature five parent advocates and podcasters who promote inclusion and diversity in their weekly podcast since their launch in February 2024. Kita Family Podcast is available on YouTube, Spotify,Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.

17 Feb


CPD: Legal Learning Lab
CPD Points: 2

CPD Legal Learning Lab | Appellate Advocacy: Appellate Jurisdiction (High Court / Court of Appeal) - Perspectives From The Bench

2:30pm - 4:30pm / Raja Aziz Addruse Auditorium, Level 2, Wisma Badan Peguam Malaysia, No. 2 Leboh Pasar Besar, 50050 Kuala Lumpur

This seminar will focus on civil appeals: (i) to the High Court against the decisions of the subordinate Courts; and (ii) to the Court of Appeal against the decisions of the High Court.

19 Feb


CPD Points: 2

CPD Prime | Competition Law and Impending Merger Control

2:30pm - 4:30pm / Raja Aziz Addruse Auditorium, Level 2, Wisma Badan Peguam Malaysia, 2 Leboh Pasar Besar, 50050 Kuala Lumpur

The presentation will be discussing the following topics An overview of competition law Proposed amendments to include merger control and Recent case laws...

20 Feb


CPD: Legal Learning Lab
CPD Points: 2

CPD Legal Learning Lab | Mentally Disordered Individuals and Appointing a Mental Health Committee

3:00pm - 5:00pm / Raja Aziz Addruse Auditorium, 2nd Floor, Wisma Badan Peguam Malaysia No. 2 Leboh Pasar Besar, 50050 Kuala Lumpur

Through this seminar the speaker will discuss the following topics The procedure and adjectival laws surrounding mentally-disordered individuals The OS and the law surrounding applications under the Mental Health Act The necessary steps that will need to be taken Prima facie evidence and realistic discussions that you will need to have with your client Best practices in applications to appoint...

22 Feb


CPD Points: 12

Advocacy Training Course | Kuala Lumpur (22 & 23 Feb 2025)

8:45am - 5:00pm / Kuala Lumpur Court Complex

The Bar Council Advocacy Training Committee has organised Advocacy Training Courses ATCs throughout Malaysia for Members and pupils in chambers with the primary objective of improving the standards of advocacy and producing better advocates ATC aims to teach advocacy skills to lawyers in their first to third years of practice in order to effectively identify and rectify basic mistakes in...

24 Feb


CPD Points: 2

Webinar | Taklimat / Bengkel STS CKHT dan MyTax

2:30pm - 4:30pm / ZOOM

Bengkel ini adalah hasil usaha sama antara Bar Council Conveyancing Practice Committee CPC dengan Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia LHDNM yang bertujuan untuk memberi pemahaman mendalam mengenai Sistem Taksir Sendiri Cukai Keuntungan Harta Tanah STS CKHT melalui portal MyTax Bengkel ini akan membincangkan prosedur pengemukaan Borang Nyata Cukai Keuntungan Harta Tanah BNCKHT melalui e-CKHT selaras dengan pelaksanaan STS CKHT dan...

24 Feb


CPD: Perintis
CPD Points: 1

CPD Perintis Live | Pembelaan Kes Jenayah Seksual

3:00pm - 4:30pm / Zoom

Ceramah ini akan merangkumi topik-topik berikut: (1) Kesalahan seksual di bawah Kanun Keseksaan; (2) Kesalahan seksual di bawah Akta Kesalahan Seksual Terhadap Kanak-Kanak 2017 (Sexual Offences Against Children Act 2017, (“SOACA 2017”)); (3) Isu-isu biasa untuk pembelaan dan hujah-hujah yang mungkin digunakan; dan (4) Cabaran semasa perbicaraan kesalahan seksual.

25 Feb


CPD Points: 2

CPD Live and CPC Pocket Series | Understanding the Recent Self-Assessment System for Real Property Gains Tax

3:00pm - 5:00pm / Zoom

This webinar aims to discuss the newly introduced system for the submission of the real property gains tax returns and its implications.

4 Mar


CPD: Legal Learning Lab
CPD Points: 2

CPD Legal Learning Lab | Preparation For Cross Examination In Civil Disputes: A King Counsel’s Perspective

2:30pm - 4:30pm / Raja Aziz Addruse Auditorium 2nd Floor, Wisma Badan Peguam Malaysia No. 2 Leboh Pasar Besar, 50050 Kuala Lumpur

Steven Perian KC aims to deliver an in-depth exploration of the strategic, psychological, and legal aspects of cross-examination. Key topics include: (i) Understanding the Case Narrative (ii) Crafting an Effective Cross-Examination Strategy (iii) Developing Precision in Questioning (iv) Managing Difficult Witnesses (v) Ethical Considerations in Advocacy

5 Mar


CPD Points: 2

CPD Live | Recent Amendments to the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 & How It Impacts Personal Data Management, Security and Transfers

3:00pm - 5:00pm /

This webinar will cover the following topics;- (1) Impact Arising from the Personal Data Protection (Amendment) Act 2024; (2) Dealing with Cross-Border Transfers; (3) Handling Data Breaches; and (4) Case Studies from Around the World and Practical Examples.

6 Mar


CPD: Legal Learning Lab
CPD Points: 2

CPD Legal Learning Lab | Urban Renewal, Termination of Strata Schemes & En-Bloc Sales In Malaysia

3:00pm - 5:00pm / Raja Aziz Addruse Auditorium, 2nd Floor, Wisma Badan Peguam Malaysia No. 2 Leboh Pasar Besar, 50050 Kuala Lumpur

This seminar intends to shed insight on the following topics: (1) the various laws having impact on the implementation of UR; (2) the modes by which UR can be carried out; and (3) the termination of strata schemes and its relationship with en-bloc sales.

19 Mar


CPD Points: 2

CPD Live and CPC Pocket Series | Common Mistakes in Loan Documentation

3:00pm - 5:00pm / Zoom

This webinar will cover the following topics Basic differences between conventional and Islamic loans Information contained in a letter of offer both express and implied Terms and conditions which include default clauses and bonding period Usual pitfalls on preparation of loan documentation Execution by a bank s attorney and Advice on drawdowns...


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