Medical law is not confined to medical negligence, as Karthi will show in the seminar. It has a very wide reach, ranging from criminal offences affecting the human body to issues of sexual misconduct raised in matrimonial cases.
Medical law is not confined to medical negligence, as Karthi will show in the seminar. It has a very wide reach, ranging from criminal offences affecting the human body to issues of sexual misconduct raised in matrimonial cases. Here is the registration fee:
Medical law is not confined to medical negligence, as Karthi will show in the seminar. It has a very wide reach, ranging from criminal offences affecting the human body to issues of sexual misconduct raised in matrimonial cases.
Karthi Kanthabalan was admitted as an advocate and solicitor on 23 April 2010. He practises at Messrs P S Ranjan & Co., mainly in medical law, acting for clients such as patients, healthcare practitioners, hospitals, professional bodies, and professional indemnity providers. The work covers such subjects as medical negligence, patient safety, professional practice and conduct, medical ethics, commissioning of expert opinions, presentation of expert evidence, assessment of damages in personal injury cases, Medical Council and Dental Council proceedings, inquiries into adverse incidents and sudden deaths, criminal proceedings, and cases with a medical element, including matrimonial cases, partnership disputes, employment disputes, and defamation cases involving professional reputation. Karthi has conducted many trials and has appeared in the Court of Appeal and the Federal Court. Karthi's work has taken him to medico-legal conferences in countries like Britain and Singapore.
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