The role of the judge is to adjudicate rather than participate. Advocacy text always points to making the evidence “persuasive” for the fact finder. However, many advocates will admit that the simplicity ends there. Cases may be lost and won simply because of the conduct of the questioning. This article illustrates one such instance in the Malaysian case of Bunya Anak Julong v The Pubclic Prosecutor, as it prompted much discussion about the law pertaining to statutory rape.
Regulating Islamic Banking: A Malaysian Perspective
Banking regulations can generally be defined as the framework controlling the creation, operation and liquidation of banks in an economy. While the rest of the world and industry continue on with the business of arguing as to what level of banking regulation is needed, in many corners of the world a different type of banking system is on the rise, which is Islamic banking. Regulation of the Islamic banking sector in Malaysia stands out from rest of the competing nations in the dual banking system. The sophisticated Malaysian financial industry running both the conventional and Islamic finance in a parallel system calls for a need of a stable regulatory framework.
Social Distinction in the Coffeehouse
The recent rise of the third-wave coffee culture represents a worldwide change in the perception of the common place commodity of coffee, an everyday beverage, and also a part of thriving, grinding, billion-dollar industry. This article reviews some of the existing scholarly literature relating to coffeehouses and social distinction. It begins with the literature on coffee itself as a vehicle of consuming difference and then goes on to look at studies of the relationship between coffeehouse and social distinction.
Orang Asli Issues: Environmental Blueprint First
The plight of Orang Asli, the indigenous peoples of West Malaysia is inextricably linked to the environment. It is therefore necessary before addressing the myriad Orang Asli issues to first address the environment as an anterior issue. An environmental blueprint is suggested which consists of seven core elements based on environmental human rights principles so as first to preserve the environment, thus setting out the directions in addressing Orang Asli issues in accordance with international standards.
Worldwide Challenges Impairing Enforcement of Trade Secret Protection
The purpose of this paper is to examine a number of challenges impairing enforcement of trade secrets protection globally wherein further research and development are encouraged to be performed towards providing effective protection of trade secrets comprehensively. The first challenge is that current laws protecting trade secrets and efforts to enforce them in many countries remain relatively weak. Secondly, the worldwide growing numbers of cyber economic espionage and theft of trade secret. Last but not least, employment mobility affecting trade secret protection.
Private Treaty Sale: A Comparative Study Between West Malaysia and the Sarawak Land Code
Despite the benefits of private treaty sales, the legality of such sales is questionable in West Malaysia, particularly after the court has granted an order for sale. The same however can’t be said in Sarawak. This article intends to comparatively analyse the legality of private treaty sales between West Malaysia and Sarawak.