
(1) CPD Points
(2) CPD Points Tracking
(3) Exemptions
(4) Accreditation
(5) Calculation of CPD Points
(6) Attending Events with CPD Points Assigned
(7) Sijil Annual/Practice Certificate
(8) Pupils in Chambers
(9) Excess CPD Points


CPD Points


How to obtain CPD points?


To obtain CPD points, you may choose to participate in a number of CPD activities in accordance with the CPD Guidelines.


What are the CPD activities that may be counted towards CPD points?


Generally, you may choose to participate in the following CPD activities:

  • Attend accredited courses organised by the Bar Council, State Bar Committees, or external providers
  • Participate as a speaker or moderator at accredited courses
  • Publish books or articles in accordance with the requirements of the Bar Council
  • Work as an external examiner or assessor as approved by the Bar Council
  • Act for or on behalf of the Bar Council in selected activities
  • Attend the Bar Council and State Bar Annual General Meetings (“AGM”) and Emergency General Meetings (“EGM”)


What is the duration of each CPD cycle?


Each CPD cycle consists of 24 months. A new cycle will commence on 1 July, and will end on 30 June.


Is the CPD Scheme mandatory?


The CPD Scheme is currently mandatory for lawyers who admitted to the Malaysian Bar from 1 July 2001, and pupils in chambers who have commenced their pupillage from 1 July 2016 onwards.


CPD Point Tracking


Will I be required to submit the CPD Record Sheet to the Bar Council each time I have completed a CPD activity in order to obtain the CPD points?


We have a robust system in tracking CPD points on accredited CPD activities. You will only have to submit the CPD Record Sheet when you have participated in accredited CPD activities that are organised by external providers.


How do I track how many CPD points I have obtained in each CPD cycle?


Your CPD points are tracked based on attendance records of accredited events and CPD Record Sheet that are submitted to us.


If you are a lawyer, you may download the Malaysian Bar mobile application to access your CPD record. Please click here for more information.


If you are a pupil in chambers, you may email the request on your CPD record to the CPD Department at cpd@malaysianbar.org.my.


What happens if I fail to obtain 16 CPD points when the CPD Scheme is implemented?


If you are admitted into the Malaysian Bar from 1 July 2006 onwards, and have failed to obtain 16 CPD points by the end of a CPD cycle, you will be given an automatic six-month extension. If you still could not obtain the required CPD points during this period, you may write in for an additional three-month extension, although it would only be granted by the Professional Standards and Development Committee on a case-by-case basis. Failure to obtain the required CPD points after extension period(s) may result in penalty fines being imposed for non-compliance when the Legal Profession Act 1976 has been amended.




How can I be exempted from being required to obtain CPD points?


Currently, Members that fall under any of the three categories are eligible for exemption:

  • Category EX1: Members aged 75 years and above
  • Category EX2: Members who are suffering from serious illness (medical documentation will be required)
  • Category EX3: Members who have been in legal practice for at least 30 years


To be eligible for exemption, you would have to submit the application form for exemption.




How will I know whether an event has been accredited by the Bar Council?


Information about the accredited event can be found at the CPD Calendar. If the event has not been accredited, you may email us at cpd@malaysianbar.org.my to check on accreditation.


Besides the Bar Council, is there any other organisation, committee, or individual authorised to accredit events?




(14) Does the Bar Council accredit events by external providers?




(15) How does Bar Council accredit events by external providers?


External providers will have to make an application for accreditation of individual courses. No blanket accreditation of an organiser or a series of courses will be provided. Each course will be scrutinised before the decision to grant accreditation is made.


Calculation of CPD Points


What is the minimum amount of time for a course to be eligible for CPD points?


CPD points are calculated on the basis of one CPD point per contact hour. This does not include time spent on opening or closing ceremonies, breaks, meals, receptions, question-and-answer sessions and sporting or entertainment activities.


If the event is conducted less than an hour, will it be eligible for CPD points?


When the duration of the course is less than an hour, no CPD points will be assigned.


If the event is conducted for one and a half hours, how many CPD points will be assigned?


One CPD point only.


Attending Events with CPD Points Assigned


What happens if I sign up for an event, but do not attend or only attend half session? Will I still be eligible to obtain CPD points?


If you sign up for an event and do not show up for it, or sign in and out, you will not be eligible for any CPD points. The requirement for eligibility is that you must participate in the entire event, and should not be more than 15 minutes late, and should not leave early.


What happens if I sign up for an event, but do not attend and pass the seat to my colleague or friend who is a lawyer? Who will obtain the CPD points for the event?


The individual who physically attends the event will be awarded with the CPD points.


Sijil Annual/Practice Certificate


If my Sijil Annual/Practice Certificate has lapsed, will I be required to obtain CPD points?


As long as your Sijil Annual/Practice Certificate is not current, you are deemed not to be a lawyer, and therefore, the CPD Scheme will not apply to you.


If I attend courses while my Sijil Annual/Practice Certificate has lapsed, will I be able to obtain CPD points?




Pupils in Chambers


If I am currently doing my pupillage, how will I be required to obtain CPD points?


Pupils in chambers will be required to obtain 8 CPD points from the same manner as lawyers. Please note that 4 CPD points will be awarded for your participation in the Bar Council Ethics and Professional Standards Course.


Excess CPD Points


Can I carry forward my CPD points if I have obtained more than the required 16 CPD points in the CPD cycle?




A maximum of 5 CPD points may be transferred to the next CPD cycle.


Pupils in Chambers


A maximum of 5 CPD points may be transferred to the CPD cycle when you have come a lawyer.



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