


Bengkel Duti Setem dan Cukai Keuntungan Harta Tanah (“CKHT”)

21 Sep 2023 - Thu / 1 day / 9:30am - 4:00pm / Raja Aziz Addruse Auditorium

Bengkel ini adalah hasil usaha sama di antara Bar Council Conveyancing Practice Committee (“CPC”) dengan Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia (“LHDNM”) yang akan diadakan dengan tujuan untuk memberi taklimat kepada Ahli Badan Peguam Malaysia berkenaan dengan cara untuk memproses transaksi duti setem dan pemfailan borang cukai keuntungan harta tanah atas talian melalui portal MyTax.  Satu sesi soal jawab akan diadakan selepas setiap sesi taklimat.


Member: RM 80
Pupil in Chambers: RM 65
Organisers: Bar Council

CPD Points: 4
Event Code:


Bengkel ini adalah hasil usaha sama di antara Bar Council Conveyancing Practice Committee (“CPC”) dengan Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia (“LHDNM”) yang akan diadakan dengan tujuan untuk memberi taklimat kepada Ahli Badan Peguam Malaysia berkenaan dengan cara untuk memproses transaksi duti setem dan pemfailan borang cukai keuntungan harta tanah atas talian melalui portal MyTax.  Satu sesi soal jawab akan diadakan selepas setiap sesi taklimat.



Puan Azniyati Md Ralib ,Pengarah Bahagian Audit dan Pemantauan Jabatan Operasi Setem & CKHT LHDNM mula bekerja di LHDNM pada tahun 2004.

Beliau mempunyai pengalaman selama 15 tahun sebagai pegawai audit cukai di Cawangan Jalan Duta dan Cawangan Petaling Jaya LHDNM serta di Jabatan Pematuhan Cukai.

Beliau menyertai Jabatan Operasi Setem & CKHT pada tahun 2019 dan kini terlibat dalam urusan operasi dan hal ehwal audit CKHT.

Encik Syed Zulkifli Abu Seman, Eksekutif Hasil Kanan I,Jabatan Operasi Setem & CKHT LHDNM

kini adalah Customer Care Officer di Jabatan Operasi Setem & CKHT (“JOSC”). Beliau sertai LHDNM pada tahun 2003 dan telah bertugas di pelbagai unit di cawangan LHDNM.

Penceramah pernah bertugas sebagai Timbalan Pemungut Duti Setem di Cawangan Cheras LHDNM.

Beliau merupakan pemegang Ijazah Sarjana Muda Ekonomi (kepujian) dari Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.


Terms and Conditions

Event Policy

Places are limited and registration is on a first-come, first-served basis.

For events with registration fees, all payments must be made in advance, including bank charges. Registration will be confirmed once proof of payment is provided by email or fax, and full payment is received.

For events that are not organised by Bar Council, please note that you are subject to the relevant terms and conditions specified by the external providers.


Cancellations must be made in writing. If you have failed to inform the organiser on your cancellation for three consecutive times, you may be blacklisted for future events.


Refunds will be processed after the event is completed. This may take up to 30 business days. The conditions for refunds are as follows:

Full refunds will be issued if the event is cancelled or postponed by the organiser due to some circumstances. No refunds for this course. However substitution is allowed. The organiser reserves the right to modify, cancel or postpone the event, should circumstances arise that make such action necessary, whereupon all registration fees paid will be refunded.


You are allowed to transfer your place to another participant, but you must notify the organiser with the necessary details.


CPD points will not be awarded to lawyers and pupils in chambers from Peninsular Malaysia who arrive more than 15 minutes late, are not present throughout the event, or leave before its scheduled end.


The personal information that you provide to the Bar Council, whether now or in the future, may be used, recorded, stored, disclosed or otherwise processed by or on behalf of the Bar Council for the purposes of facilitation and organisation of this event, research and audit, maintenance of a participant database for the promotion of this event, and such ancillary services as may be relevant.


Materials will be emailed only.

No printed notes will be provided.

No recording of the event is permitted via any means at any time.

No part of the event content may be used/reproduced in any form without the written and explicit consent of the Bar Council and speaker(s).



    * all the fields are required