


Certificate Course as an Introduction to Maritime Law

24 Jul (Tue) - 26 Jul 2018 (Thu) / 3 day / 9:00am - 5:00pm /
Seminar Room 1 (Pavillion), Asian International Arbitration Centre, Bangunan Sulaiman Jalan Sultan Hishamuddin, 50000 Kuala Lumpur

This intensive and value for money course is meant to enhance and develop your knowledge of the principles and practice of maritime law. You will learn the function, scope and application of maritime law and the key legal concepts in contracts of sale, marine insurance, marine claims, charter parties, salvage and admiralty. Participants will receive practical guidance from top ranked maritime experts who will explain the key principles and equip them with an understanding of the complex laws and contracts surrounding the maritime industry.

Organisers: International Malaysian Society of Maritime Law (IMSML)

CPD Points: 10
Event Code:


This intensive and value for money course is meant to enhance and develop your knowledge of the principles and practice of maritime law. You will learn the function, scope and application of maritime law and the key legal concepts in contracts of sale, marine insurance, marine claims, charter parties, salvage and admiralty. Participants will receive practical guidance from top ranked maritime experts who will explain the key principles and equip them with an understanding of the complex laws and contracts surrounding the maritime industry.


Terms and Conditions

Please contact the organiser for further Terms and Conditions.

Tel : +6012 267 8711 | Fax : +603 2271 1010
e-mail : secretariat@imsml.org


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