


CPD Camps Live – Basic Principles of Islamic Family Law

3 Mar 2021 - Wed / 1 day / 3:00pm - 4:30pm / Webinar

The family is a basic unit of society, and family law impacts the personal life of every individual. Islamic family law is of wide relevance in Malaysia and a reliable source of reference. Authoritative commentaries on it are no doubt of much use to lawyers, lecturers, students, and the layman.

This webinar will update participants on the application of Islamic family law in the Syariah Courts and expounds on new amendments to existing Islamic family law statutes applicable in Malaysia.  The content of this webinar will address selected major issues pertaining to Islamic family law matters, namely betrothal, requirements of a valid marriage, mahr, polygamy, types and methods of divorce, maintenance as well as ancillary matters such as mutah, distribution of matrimonial assets (harta sepencarian) and custody of children (hadanah).

Member: RM 15
Pupil in Chambers: RM 0
Organisers: Bar Council

CPD Camps
CPD Points: 1
Event Code:


The family is a basic unit of society, and family law impacts the personal life of every individual. Islamic family law is of wide relevance in Malaysia and a reliable source of reference. Authoritative commentaries on it are no doubt of much use to lawyers, lecturers, students, and the layman.

This webinar will update participants on the application of Islamic family law in the Syariah Courts and expounds on new amendments to existing Islamic family law statutes applicable in Malaysia.  The content of this webinar will address selected major issues pertaining to Islamic family law matters, namely betrothal, requirements of a valid marriage, mahr, polygamy, types and methods of divorce, maintenance as well as ancillary matters such as mutah, distribution of matrimonial assets (harta sepencarian) and custody of children (hadanah).

Therefore, this webinar aims to raise and create knowledge and awareness of the above issues. This webinar can also be said to be a guidance platform and give some exposure to legal practitioners especially Members of the Bar as well as the public.


Haji Mukhtar b Abdullah was admitted as an advocate and solicitor of the High Court of Malaya in 1992.  He is a Syarie lawyer and also a partner at Zamani Mohammad & Co. in Kuala Terengganu.   Prior to practising, he served the Terengganu State Economic Development Corporation (Perbadanan Memajukan Iktisad Negeri Terengganu, “PMINT”) as an executive officer (1980–1992) and as its legal officer (1992–1996).

He was the Terengganu Bar Representative on the Bar Council (2009–2013), and he was appointed as the Co-Chairperson of the Jawatankuasa Bahasa Melayu and the Lawcare Committee (now known as the Lawcare and Welfare Committee).  He is currently a member of the Bar Council Syariah Law Committee.   He was also a former lecturer at the faculty of law in Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (formerly known as KUSZA).

Haji Mukhtar used to talk on women rights (under Islamic family law) and on management of property through hibah, harta sepencarian, wasiat, and faraid to various non-governmental organisations and through the Bar Council under the Continuing Professional Development (“CPD”) scheme to lawyers and pupils in chambers.

He was actively involved in both civil and Syariah law for the past 26 years, and was a former Chairman of Persatuan Peguam Syarie Terengganu (“PPST”) and is currently an advisor to PPST. Haji Mukhtar was once invited to be the guest at Al-Hijrah TV station for the “Assalamualaikum” talk show on the “Khidmat Syariah” segment.

So far, he has written and published seven books on Syariah matters as references for lawyers and the public. The titles of his books are as follows:

(1)  Harta Sepencarian dan Hak Wanita (2014)

(2) Suami Isteri: Hak dan Obligasi dari Sudut Undang-Undang Keluarga Islam di Malaysia (2015)

(3)  Aplikasi & Tuntutan Hibah di Mahkamah Syariah di Malaysia (2016)

(4) Pembubaran Perkahwinan Secara Fasakh: Kaedah & Pelaksanaannya di Mahkamah Syariah di Malaysia (2017)

(5)  Tuntutan Wasiat di Mahkamah Syariah di Malaysia (2018)

(6) Perancangan & Pengurusan Harta dari Perspektif Syariah & Undang-Undang di Malaysia (2019)

(7)  Mutah Bukanlah Suatu Tuntutan Balas Dendam (2020)


Terms and Conditions

A Step-By-Step Guide to Join the Webinar

(1) For seamless streaming, download the Zoom app
You will be given a webinar ID and a password to join the webinar once your registration has been confirmed.

(2) Log in to Zoom, and provide your username
For Members of the Bar or pupils-in-chambers, use the format below for identification purposes when prompted:

Full name (as per NRIC) | Bar Council membership number or petition number

For non-members, provide your full name only.

(3) Setup your space
Ensure that you have a strong Internet connection. You may use an earpiece for clarity.

(4) Mute your microphone
When the webinar is ongoing, please mute your microphone on Zoom at all times to ensure there is no interruption from your end.

(5) You may raise questions during the Question-and-Answer session only
Please take note that no speaking is allowed when the webinar is taking place.

If you wish to raise a question, please type in the chat box and the speaker will respond accordingly.

(6) Please, do not do this
Screen recording, sharing the webinar ID and password links, reproducing the content of the webinar on any platform are strictly not allowed.

Any unregistered person may be removed without prior notice, and no CPD point will be awarded. Failure to adhere to this may result in disciplinary action by the Bar Council.


Event Policy

Places are limited and registration is on a first-come, first-served basis.

For events with registration fees, all payments must be made in advance, including bank charges. Registration will be confirmed once proof of payment is provided by email or fax, and full payment is received.

For events that are not organised by Bar Council, please note that you are subject to the relevant terms and conditions specified by the external providers.


Cancellations must be made in writing.

If you have failed to inform the organiser on your cancellation for three consecutive times, you may be blacklisted for future events.


Refunds will be processed after the event is completed. This may take up to 30 business days. The conditions for refunds are as follows:

  • Full refunds will be issued if the event is cancelled or postponed by the organiser due to some circumstances.
  • No refunds for this course. However substitution is allowed.

The organiser reserves the right to modify, cancel or postpone the event, should circumstances arise that make such action necessary, whereupon all registration fees paid will be refunded.


You are allowed to transfer your place to another participant, but you must notify the organiser with the necessary details.


CPD points will not be awarded to lawyers and pupils in chambers from Peninsular Malaysia who arrive more than 15 minutes late, are not present throughout the event, or leave before its scheduled end.


The personal information that you provide to the Bar Council, whether now or in the future, may be used, recorded, stored, disclosed or otherwise processed by or on behalf of the Bar Council for the purposes of facilitation and organisation of this event, research and audit, maintenance of a participant database for the promotion of this event, and such ancillary services as may be relevant.


  • Materials will be emailed only. No printed notes will be provided.
  • No recording of the event is permitted via any means at any time.
  • No part of the event content may be used/reproduced in any form without the written and explicit consent of the Bar Council and speaker(s).



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