Since early 2023, the Ministry of Housing and Local Government under its Minister, YB Nga Kor Ming, has emphasised on the urgent need to implement Urban Renewal (“UR”) in the country. This is evident in the numerous news articles and pronouncements by the Ministry’s senior officials on UR on a regular basis.
UR is necessary to preserve, rehabilitate, rejuvenate and / or redevelop old, run-down residential / commercial / integrated estates and urban slums, particularly in the Klang Valley and its hinterland. The authorities have identified over 300 sites which have the potential to undergo UR.
This seminar intends to shed insight on the following topics:
(1) the various laws having impact on the implementation of UR;
(2) the modes by which UR can be carried out; and
(3) the termination of strata schemes and its relationship with en-bloc sales.
David Chan Chin Chye is an advocate and solicitor of the High Court of Malaya with three decades· of experience as a practising lawyer of Chan & Partners. He also also runs Three Seas Strata Management, a firm that focuses on the area and practice of strata management.
As strata cum legal adviser, he advises and assists developers, joint management bodies (“JMBs”), management corporations (“MCs”), licensed valuers, real estate principals and property managers et al to resolve strata management issues and problems affecting strata developments, from the legal, regulatory and compliance perspectives.
Since mid-2007, he has moderated / facilitated over 100 annual general meetings (“AGMs”) and extraordinary general meetings (“EGMs”) (virtual and physical) to ensure that the meetings proceed in compliance with the (now repealed) Building and Common Property (Maintenance and Management) Act 2007 and the current Strata Management Act 2013.
He has spoken across Peninsular Malaysia on the following strata topics since 2022:
(1) "Due Diligence: Selection of Service Providers by Developers, JMBs, and MCs under Strata Management Act 2013" — organised by the Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia (“RISM”), Selangor chapter and EXCEL Academy of Real Estate;
(2) "AGMs of JMBs and MCs: Their Differences" — organised by RISM, Johor chapter; and
(3) “Urban Renewal, Termination of Strata Schemes and En-Bloc Sales in Malaysia” — organised by FIABCI, Northern chapter and RISM, Johor chapter.
He has also lectured the "Law of Property" module to working students pursuing professional, industry-related examinations conducted by RISM, Selangor chapter, as one of several pre-requisites before being awarded licences by the Board of Valuers, Estate Agents, Appraisers and Property Management ('BOVEAP") to practise as registered valuers, real estate agents and property managers.
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