Ceramah ini akan merangkumi topik-topik berikut:
(1) Kesalahan seksual di bawah Kanun Keseksaan;
(2) Kesalahan seksual di bawah Akta Kesalahan Seksual Terhadap Kanak-Kanak 2017
(Sexual Offences Against Children Act 2017, (“SOACA 2017”));
(3) Isu-isu biasa untuk pembelaan dan hujah-hujah yang mungkin digunakan; dan
(4) Cabaran semasa perbicaraan kesalahan seksual.
Ariff Azami b Hussein mempunyai lebih dua dekad pengalaman dalam profesion guaman. Beliau ditauliahkan di Mahkamah Tinggi Malaya sebagai peguam bela dan peguam cara pada tahun 2001. Beliau juga memegang kelayakan sebagai peguam Syarie untuk negeri Kelantan sejak tahun 2001 dan memulakan kerjayanya sebagai peguam di Apandi Ali & Co di Kota Bharu pada tahun 2001.
Beliau menyertai Jabatan Peguam Negara sebagai Timbalan Pendakwa Raya bagi negeri Selangor, dan berkhidmat dari tahun 2001 hingga 2006. Sejak Mei 2006, Ariff telah menjadi rakan kongsi di firma Azizzul & Ariff. Kemudian, beliau memperoleh kelayakan sebagai peguam Syarie untuk Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur sejak tahun 2012.
Dalam kerjayanya, Ariff telah mengendalikan pelbagai kes jenayah, termasuk jenayah umum (seperti kes bunuh, penculikan, dan senjata api), kesalahan berkaitan dadah, jenayah komersial, rasuah, kesalahan seksual, serta litigasi berkepentingan awam, termasuk kes Akta Kesalahan Keselamatan (Langkah-langkah Khas) 2012 (Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012, (“SOSMA”)), hasutan, dan perhimpunan haram.
Beliau telah menyumbang kepada komuniti guaman melalui penglibatannya sebagai ahli Jawatankuasa Kecil Hak Asasi Manusia dan Undang-Undang Jenayah untuk Jawatankuasa Peguam Negeri Selangor (dari tahun 2008 hingga 2010). Beliau juga telah berkongsi pengalamannya sebagai pensyarah sambilan dan felo pelawat di Fakulti Syariah dan Undang-Undang, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (“USIM”), di mana beliau mengajar Kod Prosedur Jenayah dari tahun 2013 hingga 2023.
Selain amalan guamannya, Ariff telah menulis beberapa buku, termasuk Peguam Kriminal (2021), Peguam Kriminal Extended (2022) dan novel Alibi (2024). Beliau turut menjadi penulis bersama untuk Sehelai Kain Berwarna-Warni: Antologi Anekdot Inspirasi pada tahun 2022.
Ariff telah menyampaikan ceramah dan seminar mengenai undang-undang jenayah, keterangan, dan prosedur yang dianjurkan oleh pelbagai Jawatankuasa Peguam Negeri, fakulti undang-undang, dan firma guaman. Beliau juga pernah menjadi hakim untuk pertandingan-pertandingan moot, termasuk Pertandingan Moot Undang-Undang Antarabangsa Phillip C Jessup (peringkat kebangsaan).
Terms and Conditions
Event Policy
Places are limited and registration is on a first-come, first-served basis.
For events with registration fees, all payments must be made in advance, including bank charges. Registration will be confirmed once proof of payment is provided by email or fax, and full payment is received.
For events that are not organised by Bar Council, please note that you are subject to the relevant terms and conditions specified by the external providers.
Cancellations must be made in writing.
If you have failed to inform the organiser on your cancellation for three consecutive times, you may be blacklisted for future events.
Refunds will be processed after the event is completed. This may take up to 30 business days. The conditions for refunds are as follows:
- Full refunds will be issued if the event is cancelled or postponed by the organiser due to some circumstances.
- There will be no refunds for cancellations made fewer than seven working days before the session but substitutions are allowed.
The organiser reserves the right to modify, cancel or postpone the event, should circumstances arise that make such action necessary, whereupon all registration fees paid will be refunded.
You are allowed to transfer your place to another participant, but you must notify the organiser with the necessary details.
CPD points will not be awarded to lawyers and pupils in chambers from Peninsular Malaysia who arrive more than 15 minutes late, are not present throughout the event, or leave before its scheduled end.
The personal information that you provide to the Bar Council, whether now or in the future, may be used, recorded, stored, disclosed or otherwise processed by or on behalf of the Bar Council for the purposes of facilitation and organisation of this event, research and audit, maintenance of a participant database for the promotion of this event, and such ancillary services as may be relevant.
- Materials will be emailed only. No printed notes will be provided.
- No recording of the event is permitted via any means at any time.
- No part of the event content may be used/reproduced in any form without the written and explicit consent of the Bar Council and speaker(s).