


Isu Terkini Hibah dan Wasiat Untuk Orang Islam

13 Nov 2020 - Fri / 1 day / 3:00pm - 5:00pm / CPD Live webinar at Zoom

This CPD Live webinar will look into issues related to hibah and wasiat.

Law Student: RM 0
Member: RM 20
Non-Member: RM 60
Pupil in Chambers: RM 0
Organisers: Bar Council

CPD Points: 2
Event Code:


Pautan ke sesi CPD Perintis Dalam Talian akan dihantar melalui emel kepada peserta berdaftar yang berjaya sahaja. Pendaftaran akan ditutup pada jam 3:00 petang, 12 Nov 2020 (Khamis), atau apabila sesi CPD Perintis Dalam Talian sudah penuh.

Harap maklum bahawa tiada pendaftaran tambahan akan diterima setelah tarikh tutup, atau jika sesi CPD Perintis Dalam Talian sudah penuh.

Jabatan Pembangunan Profesional Berterusan (Continuing Professional Development “CPD”) mungkin tidak akan membenarkan pendaftaran di masa hadapan jika anda gagal menghadiri sesi CPD Perintis Dalam Talian setelah mendaftar, melainkan dengan alasan yang kuat dan boleh diterima sah.

Dengan sukacitanya kami menyampaikan satu sesi yang merangkumi perkara-perkara berikut:

(1) Hibah dan Wasiat:

(a) Definisi
(b) Rukun
(c) Syarat
(d) Undang-undang berkaitan:
(i) Hibah — Enakmen Pentadbiran Agama Islam (“EPAIN”)
(ii) Wasiat:
– Enakmen Wasiat bagi negeri yang ada enakmen khas
– EPAIN — bagi negeri yang tiada wasiat
– Akta Wasiat — tidak terpakai untuk orang Islam
– Probate and Administration Act 1959 — terpakai untuk orang Islam dan orang bukan Islam

(2) Isu-Isu Berkenaan:
(a) Hibah Bersyarat menyerupai wasiat:
(i) Hibah Bersyarat Ruqba menyerupai wasiat
(ii) Hibah Bersyarat Umra menyerupai pinjaman
(b) Isu Hibah Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja (“KWSP”)

(3) Isu Permohonan Wasiat Orang Islam — di Mahkamah Sivil atau Syariah?
(a) Pengesahan di Mahkamah Syariah — sekiranya ada pertikaian rukun dan syarat
(b) Pengesahan di Mahkamah Sivil — untuk menentu sahkan ketulenan wasiat diberikan adalah wasiat sah dan wasiat terakhir


Murshidah bt Mustafa ialah lulusan Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia pada 1993. Beliau aktif dalam aktiviti-aktiviti berkaitan dengan undang-undang demi kepentingan Ahli-Ahli Badan Peguam Malaysia, terutamanya mereka di wilayah utara. Beliau dipilih sebagai ahli Jawatankuasa Badan Peguam Kedah dari 2008 hingga 2018. Dalam tempoh tersebut, beliau telah mempengerusikan Jawatankuasa Pembangunan Piawaian Profesional dan berkhidmat sebagai ahli Jawatankuasa Syariah dan Undang-Undang Keluarga, Jawatankuasa Kewangan Islam, dan Jawatankuasa Penyelesaian Pertikaian Alternatif Badan Peguam Kedah. Murshidah juga berkhidmat sebagai Setiausaha Pusat Bantuan Guaman Kedah dari 2009 hingga 2015.

Beliau kini berkhidmat sebagai Timbalan Pengerusi Bersama bagi Jawatankuasa Pembangunan Kemahiran Profesional Majlis Peguam, Timbalan Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Firma Kecil Majlis Peguam, Timbalan Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Penjagaan dan Kebajikan Pengamal Undang-Undang Majlis Peguam dan Timbalan Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Mediasi Majlis Peguam. Murshidah juga ialah mediator yang diakui di bawah Accord Group, Australia.

Beliau dipilih sebagai wakil Badan Peguam Kedah ke Majlis Peguam bagi sesi 2018/2019 dan 2019/2020. Beliau telah dipilih sebagai salah seorang Ahli (Council Member) Majlis Peguam bagi sesi 2020/2021.

Mohamad Redzuan b Idrus telah diterima masuk sebagai peguam bela dan peguam cara di Mahkamah Tinggi Malaya di Pulau Pinang pada 12 Januari 2002. Beliau ialah rakan kongsi senior di Fariz Halim & Co. dan mempunyai pengalaman dalam bidang amalan pemindahakan (conveyancing) dan litigasi umum. Redzuan juga ialah Pengarah Negeri bagi Lajnah Undang-Undang Hak Asasi Manusia, Pulau Pinang (2013–2015), Pengarah Urusan Khalifah Rich Venture (2012–kini), Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Hiwafa Wealth Management (2019) dan Timbalan Presiden 1, Persatuan Guaman Hartanah Malaysia (2015–kini).

Terms and Conditions

A Step-By-Step Guide to Join the CPD Live Webinar

(1) For seamless streaming, download the Zoom app
You will be given a webinar ID and a password to join CPD Live Webinar once your registration has been confirmed.

(2) Log in to Zoom, and provide your username
For Members of the Bar or pupils-in-chambers, use the format below for identification purposes when prompted:

Full name (as per NRIC) | Bar Council membership number or petition number

For non-members, provide your full name only.

(3) Setup your space
Ensure that you have a strong Internet connection. You may use an earpiece for clarity.

(4) Mute your microphone
When CPD Live is ongoing, please mute your microphone on Zoom at all times to ensure there is no interruption from your end.

(5) You may raise questions during the Question-and-Answer session only
Please take note that no speaking is allowed when the CPD Live Webinar is taking place.

If you wish to raise a question, please type in the chat box and the speaker will respond accordingly.

(6) Please, do not do this
Screen recording, sharing the webinar ID and password links, reproducing the content of the CPD Live Session on any platform are strictly not allowed.

Any unregistered person may be removed without prior notice, and no CPD point will be awarded. Failure to adhere to this may result in disciplinary action by the Bar Council.


Event Policy

Places are limited and registration is on a first-come, first-served basis.

For events with registration fees, all payments must be made in advance, including bank charges. Registration will be confirmed once proof of payment is provided by email or fax, and full payment is received.

For events that are not organised by Bar Council, please note that you are subject to the relevant terms and conditions specified by the external providers.


Cancellations must be made in writing.

If you have failed to inform the organiser on your cancellation for three consecutive times, you may be blacklisted for future events.


Refunds will be processed after the event is completed. This may take up to 30 business days. The conditions for refunds are as follows:

  • Full refunds will be issued if the event is cancelled or postponed by the organiser due to some circumstances.
  • No refunds for this course. However substitution is allowed.

The organiser reserves the right to modify, cancel or postpone the event, should circumstances arise that make such action necessary, whereupon all registration fees paid will be refunded.


You are allowed to transfer your place to another participant, but you must notify the organiser with the necessary details.


CPD points will not be awarded to lawyers and pupils in chambers from Peninsular Malaysia who arrive more than 15 minutes late, are not present throughout the event, or leave before its scheduled end.


The personal information that you provide to the Bar Council, whether now or in the future, may be used, recorded, stored, disclosed or otherwise processed by or on behalf of the Bar Council for the purposes of facilitation and organisation of this event, research and audit, maintenance of a participant database for the promotion of this event, and such ancillary services as may be relevant.


  • Materials will be emailed only. No printed notes will be provided.
  • No recording of the event is permitted via any means at any time.
  • No part of the event content may be used/reproduced in any form without the written and explicit consent of the Bar Council and speaker(s).



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