


Seminar on Construction Law: Letters of Intent

30 Oct 2018 - Tue / 1 day / 10:00am - 1:00pm / Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee Auditorium, 4th Floor, Wisma Hangsam No. 1 Jalan Hang Lekir, 50000 Kuala Lumpur

Letter of intent are commonly used in construction industry for the early commencement of work prior to a formal construction contract being executed. The perception is that they are simple devices; the reality is otherwise. This seminar is aimed at spotlighting some of the complexities and intricacies.

Organisers: KL Bar

CPD Points: 2
Event Code:


Letter of intent are commonly used in construction industry for the early commencement of work prior to a formal construction contract being executed. The perception is that they are simple devices; the reality is otherwise. This seminar is aimed at spotlighting some of the complexities and intricacies.


Dr Teng Kam Wah

Terms and Conditions

Please contact the organiser for further Terms and Conditions.

Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee
4th Floor, Wisma Hangsam
No. 1 Jalan Hang Lekir
50000 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: +603 2032 1440
Fax: klbc@klbar.org.my



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