“Accomplice”, “cunning”, “evil”, “greedy without conscience” are just the few labels that have been ascribed to lawyers. More often than not we can also see the netizens condemning the defence lawyer of the accused charged with any heinous crimes. The writer believe that the general dislike for lawyers comes from ignorance and misconception about the whole criminal justice system, the lawyers’ role in it, as well as the ethical mandate of the legal profession. Here are the reasons why lawyers “help bad guys”.
Should Law Lectures be Allowed to Teach and Practice at The Same Time? A Look at the Regulatory Framework in Malaysia
Rule 44(b) of the Legal Profession (Practice and Etiquette) Rules 1978 provides that and advocate and solicitor shall not be a full-time salaried employee of any person, firm (other than advocate and solicitor or firm of advocates and solicitor). A breach of this rule constitutes ‘misconduct’ and may be struck of the Roll of advocates and solicitors or suspended from practice for any period not exceeding five years. The way law school teaches law has come under intense criticism. Law schools have often stressed the doctrinal aspects of the law while ignoring practical skills. This essay discusses the aspects of law lectures, practice and the benefits for the legal education and practice.